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Song: Wonderwall Written by: Noel Gallagher Performed by: Oasis The song can be found on the album "(What's The Story) Morning Glory?" and was released as a single in the UK and the US. I've seen a lot of transcriptions of this song that have the correct chords listed, but have left out the song's guitar fills, the parts played by the second and third guitar, and the often overlooked (and faintly heard) riff at the very end of the track, so here goes. To play this song along with the CD, you must put a capo behind the 2nd fret and play the following chords. All tablature positions are relative to the capo. Chords used: E A D G B e Em7 0 2 2 0 3 3 G 3 2 0 0 0 3 Dsus4 x x 0 2 3 3 A7sus4 x 0 2 0 3 3 Cadd9 x 3 2 0 3 3 Dsus4/F# 2 x 0 2 3 3 (note:some people think this is a G/F# (200033)) Here's the rythym of how the chord in the verses should be played: Em7 G Dsus4 A7sus4 e--3--3--3--3-3-3-3-3--3--3-3--3-3-3--3--3-3-3--3--3-3-3-3-3-3-3---- B--3--3--3--3-3-3-3-3--3--3-3--3-3-3--3--3-3-3--3--3-3-3-3-3-3-3---- G--0--0--0--0-0-0-0-0--0--0-0--0-2-2--2--2-0-0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0---- D--2--2--2--2-2-2-0-0--0--0-0--0-0-0--0--0-0-2--2--0-2-2-0-2-2-0---- A--2--2--2--2-2-2-2-2--2--2-2----------------0--0----0-0-0-0-0------ E--0--0--0--0-0-0-3-3--3--3-3--------------------------------------- Verse 1 ------- (NOTE: use the above strumming rythym when playing the verse chords below) (ANOTHER NOTE: play all "A7sus4"'s in the verses the way it is played in the rythym section above.)
Em7 Today is Ggonna be the day that they're Dsus4gonna throw it back to A7sus4you Em7 By now you Gshould've somehow realDsus4ized what you gotta A7sus4do
Em7I don't believe that Ganybody Dsus4feels the way I A7sus4do About you Cadd9now Dsus4 A7sus4
Verse 2 -------
Em7 Backbeat, the Gword is on the street that the Dsus4fire in your heart isA7sus4 out Em7 I'm sure you've Gheard it all before but you Dsus4never really had a A7sus4doubt
Em7I don't believe that Ganybody Dsus4feels the way I A7sus4do about you Em7now G Dsus4 A7sus4
Pre-chorus ---------- (NOTE: the tab below is what is played by guitars 1 and 3 while guitar 2 plays the chords above the words. The tab below is used for both the first and second lines of the pre-chorus) h=hammer on next note without picking again with the right hand p=pull off to make next note without having to pick the string w/ your right hand again
And Cadd9all the roads we Dsus4have to walk are Em7winding e-------3------------2h3p2---------------------------------------- B----------3----------------3------------------------------------- G-------------0----------------2-----------------0-----------0---- D--------------------0------------------------0---------0h2------- A---3------------------------------------0h2---------2------------ E-------------------------------------0---------------------------
And Cadd9all the lights that Dsus4lead us there are Em7blinding Cadd9There are many Dsus4things that I
would Glike to Dsus4/F#say to Em7you but I dGon't know A7sus4how e-------3--------3--------3---------3-----------------0-------------0--------- B---------3--------3--------3---------3-----------3------3--------------3----- G-----------0--------0--------0---------0-----------0------0----------------0- D----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A---------------------------------------------------------------2------------- E-----3-------2---------0---------3-----------0-------------------------------
e-----------0--------------------- B------3-------3-------3---------- G--------0-------0---------------- D-----------------------------0--- A--0-----------------2----0h2----- E--------------------------------- Chorus ------
Because Cadd9maybe Em7 G YoEm7u're gonna be the one that Cadd9saves me Em7 G AndEm7 after allCadd9 Em7 G You're mEm7y wonderwall Cadd9 Em7 G Em7
(hold Em7, then silence) drums come in, then: e--3-3-3-3-3-3-3--- B--3-3-3-3-3-3-3--- G--0-0-0-0-0-0-0--- (and then right back into chord D--0-2-2-0-2-2-0--- progression for the verses) A--0-0-0-0-0-0-0--- E------------------ Verse 3 ------- (same chords as Verse 2) Today was gonna be the day but they'll never throw it back to you By now you should've somehow realized what you're not to do I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now Pre-chorus ---------- And all the roads that lead you there were winding And all the lights that light the way are blinding There are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know how Chorus











d maybe You're gonna be the one that saves me And after all You're my wonderwall
