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Norah Jones - Take it back Intro: Gm, Dm, F, C
GmWon't you take me awDmay from here So I'll nFever find my way hCome Well there's oGmne missing pDmart of me And I'm afrFaid it's fine on its Cown And thDis time it's finally grCown For me to GseBme A Now I seGe Bm A
Gm, Dm, F, C
GmWords spoken sDmilently I could nFever understCand How brGmeath delivers such pDmoison To sFomeone too weak to stCand And dDust can turn into mCud Out on the sGeaBm A In the sGeaBm A
Gm, Dm, F, C
GmTake it bDmack, take it bFack Take it bCack
GmTake it bDmack, take it bFack Take it bCack
GmTake it bDmack, take it bFack Take it bCack
GmTake it bDmack, take it bFack Take it bCack
Enjoy :)