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Hallo, my name is Vladimir, Im from Serbia. This one is for itzlol reyes almanza Norah Jones - Stuck (album: The Fall, 2009) Intro: G Dm F E e|-----x----------------1--------------------------------------0----| B|-----x----------------3------------------1-------------------0----| G|-----x----------------2------------------2-------------------1----| D|-----------0--0-2-3---0----3-3-3-2-0-3---3----3-3-3-2-0--2---2----| A|-------0h2-------------------------------3----------------2-------| E|---3-------------------------------------------------------0------|
GHey shall we wade through the room for the stDmreet And finally to mFe He asked me what I'm drEinking
MGy friend johnny tugging on my slDmeeve Asked if I wanna lFeave And what I'm really thEinking is
GWhy can't it Dmbe easFy, easEy GWhy don't you lDmeave me, leave meF, leavEe me be
DI can't see us swAmaying DI can't hear what you're Amsaying
G, Dm, F, E I'm sitting here stuck and plastered to my seat I think of a reason to leave When you finally start speaking I'll take a long stroll walked down washington street Half asleep on my feet Half aware if I'm dreaming I'll go home alone, a sinking stone, a switched-off telephone I'll go on briefly, a frozen breeze, a fallen down factory I still see us swaying But I can't hear what you're saying Solo I just lost the plot Got a little copped Been a little knocked I just hit a wall Had a little fall I felt a swinging wrecking ball And why should that be Why don't you tell me Why don't you tell me I'm sure you'll tell me Why don't you tell me I guess you'd tell me Tell me Used chords: EADGBe G----------320033 Dm---------xx0231 F----------133211 E----------022100 D----------xx0232 Am---------x02210 Any comments post me at