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Hallo, my name is Vladimir, Im from Serbia. I've spant a lot of time for tabbing this song... it's great! Not on first listening, but when you learn to play, it rocks! Please, if you try to play this and find a wrong chord, post a comment! Norah Jones - My dear country (album: Not Too Late, 2007) Original key: Fm Intro: Em, B7, Em, C, B7, Gaug, Em
'Twas HEmallowB7een and the ghEmosts were oCut, And EmeverywhB7ere they'd Emgo, they shGout, And tAm/F#hough I cB7overed my D#dimeyes I C#dimknew, They'd Cgo Gaugaway.B7
But fEmear's the oB7nly thEming I sCaw, And thEmree days lB7ater 'twas clEmear to Gall, That nAm/F#othing B7is aD#dims scarC#dimy as elCectB7ion dEmay.
But the dDay aAmfter is dGarker, And dAm/F#arker and dB7arker it gEmoes, Am6 G#7 Gsus4/7M F#(b5) Who knows, maybe the plans will change, Esus9 D6 C#4/7(11) C B7 (i can hear bass goes like that) Who knows, maybe he's not deranged.
The nEmews men kB7now what they kEmnow, but tChey, Know Emeven lB7ess than wEmhat they sGay, AnAm/F#d I don't kB7now whoD#dim I can C#dimtrust, For they cCome what B7may. Gaug
'cause Emwe belB7ieved in our EmcandidCate, But Emeven mB7ore it's the Emone we hGate, I Am/F#needed sB7omeoneD#dim I could C#dimshake, On eClecB7tion Emday.
But the dDay aAmfter is dGarker, And dAm/F#eeper and dB7eeper we Emgo, Am6 G#7 Gsus4/7M F#(b5) Who knows, maybe it's all a dream, D6 C#4/7(11) C B7 Who knows if I'll wake up and scream.
Chords: Em, B7, Em, C, Em, B7, Em, G, Am/F#, B7, D#dim, C#dim C, B7, Em.
I lEmove the thB7ings that you've gEmiven Cme, I chEmerish B7you my dEmear countrGy, But Am/F#sometimes B7I don'D#dimt undersC#dimtand, The wCay we pB7lay.
I lEmove the thB7ings that you've gEmiven Cme, And Emmost of B7all that EmI am frGee, To Am/F#have a sB7ong thaD#dimt I can C#dimsing, On CelectB7ion dEmay.
Used chords: EADGBe Em-----------022000 B7-----------x21202 C------------x32010 Gaug---------321000 G------------320003 Am/F#--------202210 D#dim--------x6757x C#dim--------x4535x D------------xx0232 Am-----------x02210 Am6----------xx757x G#7----------xx657x Gsus4/7M-----xx557x F#(b5)-------xx457x Esus9--------x7447x D6-----------x5447x C#4/7(11)----x4447x Any comments post me at