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Ripplin' Water Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Chords/Lyrics transcribed by Chris & Brittany
I've got ripDplin water to wake me, to the mornin my woman in lGove, And tall pine trees are are poBminten us easily to heAaven above. BDlue spruce flamin on the grate in the evenin,C takes the chill a way Gfine, EmCut the telephone lB7ine the stories the sEame. There's a wDorn red chair by the window, that we found at a sale down theG way, When some old women said that they neBmeded more room for the wiAnter. But peDople like pullen out the stuffin when they sit downC, and so it passes the tGime; EmCut the telephone lB7ine the stories the saEme.
OooAooooh like a bubble on a windy dEay, start to flutter when i here ya sAay, That you feel to good to go awayB And you mEake me feel fine,A and you've made my world a warmer plEace, By the sparklin of your diamond faceA------on a frayed spot put a little lBace And you mEake me feel fineB, warm as the mouEntain sunshineB, E B E A--------E A G A On the edge of the snowline, in a meadow of columbiiiiiiiiiiines
DOh little Jennifer I'd give a penny for whatcha got on your mGind, Seems like most of the tBmime your lyin there dreAamin...but... MaDybe in your vision you'll see how are mission isC, slightly less than deGvine, Em B7 E--------G A Cut the telephone line, the stories the same. And now ripDplin waters flow through pipes in the walls and it's keepin me wGarm, And the closest I've been to my faDmily for days is my muAsic. But the siDlent stare in the mornin' sky, is like heCarin her callin my nGame Em B7 E You cut the telephone line the story might--- change. CHORUS---------E A repeat END