Nirvana - Territorial pissings
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Territorial Pissings
By Kurt Cobain
Tune normally
Intro & rhy. fig. 1
w/heavy distortion
A5 F
Note.- In the last bar you can play (x577xx) instead of (10-12-12-x-x-x)
but however how I tabbed is how Kurt played it, I say this 'cause
I saw in the "Live tonight sold out" video of Nirvana that he
played the song like that.
w/rhy. fig 1
When I was an alien
cultures weren't opinions
Gotta find a way
to find a way
when I'm there
Gotta find a way
a better way
I had better wait... (etc.)
Never met a wise men,
if so it's a woman
Gotta find a way
to find a way
when I'm there
Gotta find a way
a better way
I had better wait... (etc.)
PM---] PM----]
|o-------7---------7---o| X6