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Meat Puppets-Plateau
F#Many a Ahand have F#scaled the grAand old fF#ace of tAhe platEeau F#Some bAelong to stF#rangerEs and Asome to foElks you kF#now F#Holy ghoAsts and tF#alk show Ahosts are pF#lanted inA the Esand To F#beautifAy the F#foothilEls, Ashake the Emany F#hands F#Nothing on top but a Abucket and a Emop and an F#illustrated book about Abirds See a F#lot up there but Adon't be Escared. F#Who needs action when Ayou got Ewords F#Finished with the Amop then F#you can Astop and F#look at Awhat you've Edone F#Plateau's Aclean, no F#dirt to be Aseen and the F#work, Eit was F#fun F#Nothing on top but a Abucket and a Emop and an F#illustrated book about Abirds See a F#lot up there but Adon't be Escared. F#Who needs action when Ayou got Ewords F#Many a Ahand beF#gan to sAcan arF#ound for the nAext platEeau F#Some Asay it was F#Greenland Asome say EMexicF#o F#Others decAided F#it was Aonly exaF#ctly whereA they sEtood F#Those were Aall just F#guesses, wouldn't Ahelp you Eif they coF#uld