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This is one of my favorites from the box set.
It's awesome.
B#CongratuGlations Dyou have F#one
It's a B#years Gsubscription Dof bad F#puns
And a B#makeshift Gstory Dof F#concern
And you B#set it Gup beDfore it F#burns
My B#opinions G
DMmmmm F#Hmmmm
And there B#seems to Gbe a Dproblem F#here
And the B#scale of Gemotions Dseems to F#clear
Now they B#rise and Gfall like Dwall street F#clock
And they B#have an Gaffect on Dour peace F#talk
Our B#opinions G
DMmmm F#Hmmm
My B#opinions G
DMmmm F#Hmmm
It's a real easy song
Sounds great on acoustic