Nirvana - Lounge act
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nirvana-lounge act
album- nevermind
by edwin henrriquez
hey its me again tabbing one of nirvanas greatest song it was hard at first but manage to get the power chord version and the chord version. ill tab the chord version later i just want u to have and easy time playing this song, instead of barring chords.
intro and verse x8
b-pc g5 c-pc
chorus x4
e-pc a5 d5
now that u know the verse and the chourus theres going to be a little change
now after the choures u play the verse 6 times.
after u played the verse now play the chorus 4 times
then the verse 7 times
now for the finally u play the chorus 8 times and thats the end also try to learn the timing and the lyrics cause it sound bad as in a group .