Nirvana - Heart shaped box
bassver. 9
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Song: Heart-Shaped Box
Artist: Nirvana
Album: In Utero
Tuning: Db, A, D, G -the other versions of this song was in drop d tuning but the open note is a D flat not a D.
^ means bend string upwards
Tabbed by SquierBass
G |--------------------------|
D |--------------------------|
A |--------------------------|
G |------------------------------|
D |-----^------------------------|
A |-----7------^------^---4-^4---|
Db|-7-7----3-3-6--0-0-6--0--3----| the 2nd to last note on the 3rd fret only has a small quick bend
Pre Verse
G |----------------------------------|
D |----------------------------------|
A |----------------------------------|
Db|-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3/ -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-|
When he goes from 3rd fret to the open string he does some sort of slide. Youll hear it if you listen closely.
Pre Verse
Guitar Solo (play chorus through twice and go straight into verse)
Pre Verse (play it 3 times here instead of 2 and on the 4th time end on the open Db string)