Nirvana - Dive
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Written by: Kurt Cobain and Chris Novoselic
Played by: Nirvana
Guitar player: Kurt Cobain
Album: Incesticide
Tab by Ørjan Olsen at
I am so tierd of people posting bad tabs, therefor i'm going to
tab out the incesticide album, and first up is Dive
This is in standard tuning
rythm fig 1
End rythm fig 1
Rhy. fig 2 Pick me pick me,____ yeah
Play rhy. fig 2- 4 times more
Rhy. rig 3 end rhy fig 3
play rhy fig 3- 3 and a half more times
Play ** 3 and a half more times
Thats all the major parts, if you have any questions please mail me at
Let kurt live on