New Found Glory - Right where we left off
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Tuning: E A D G B E
New Found Glory
Right Where We Left Off
Not Without A Fight
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Key: C#
Tuning: Standard EADGBe
Chords used:
A#m - x13321
F# - 244322
C# - x46664
G# - 466544
G#/C - x365xx
D#m - x68876
A#m F# x12
[Verse 1]
F# You can't get G#rid
of me that A#measy no
C#Not withG#out a F#fight
Your cool and colG#lective
approach is apA#mpealing yeah
You've C#got it G#down just
F#right You should put a
G#blindfold over my A#meyes
And tape my C#mouth F#shut
When F#every word I G#say
might as well A#mbe might
as well be my last G#thought
[Chorus 1]
A#mNo F# I don't A#mwant to
F#make this an A#missueF# A#m
F#I just want to A#mpick
back F#up A#mright where
we F#left off A#mSo we F#don't
A#mget caught F#up again
A#mNo F# I don't A#mwant to
F#make this an A#missueF# A#m
F#I just want to A#mpick
back F#up A#mright where
we F#left off A#mSo we F#don't
A#mget caught F#up again
[Verse 2]
F# You left me G#pictures
just to A#mtease me
Or C#maybe G#out of sF#pite
You used your G#body
to conA#mfuse me
Your C#hips G#swing just
F#right How do I conG#trol
myself around A#myou
I need to be C#locked G#up
When F#every word I G#say
might as well A#mbe might
as well be my last G#thought
[Chorus 2]
A#mNo F# I don't A#mwant to
F#make this an A#missueF# A#m
F#I just want to A#mpick
back F#up A#mright where
we F#left off A#mSo we F#don't
A#mget caught F#up again
A#mNo F# I don't A#mwant to
F#make this an A#missueF# A#m
F#I just want to A#mpick
back F#up A#mright where
we F#left off A#mSo we F#don't
A#mget caught F#up again
A#m A#m
A#m You're a A#/Cwolf in sheep's sC#kin
Teeth can D#mtear me limb from A#mlimb
Do you G#/Chave the room to sC#pare
me in your G#heart of hearts
A#m I'm a G#/Cwolf in sheep's sC#kin
Teeth can D#mtear you limb from A#mlimb
I don't G#/Chave the room to sC#pare youG#
A#m F# x4
[Chorus 3]
A#mNo F# I don't A#mwant to
F#make this an A#missueF# A#m
F#I just want to A#mpick
back F#up A#mright where
we F#left off A#mSo we F#don't
A#mget caught F#up again
A#mNo F# I don't A#mwant to
F#make this an A#missueF# A#m
F#I just want to A#mpick
back F#up A#mright where
we F#left off A#mSo we F#don't
A#mget caught F#up again
A#mPick back F#up A#mright where
we F#left off A#mSo we F#don't
A#mget caught F#up again