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'Thrasher' by Neil Young. from 'Rust Never Sleeps' LP (1979).
CThey were hiding behind hay bales, They were Fplanting in the CFull Moon, They had given C/Ball they Am7had for something Fnew,G But the Clight of day was on them, They could Fsee the thrasher Ccoming, And the Cwater C/Bshone like Am7diamonds in the Fdew. G
FAnd I was just Ggetting up, To Chit the road before its Flight, trying to catch an Ghour on the Csun, Cmaj7 Cmaj7 C FWhen I saw those thrasherGs rolling by, Looking Cmore than C/Btwo lanes Am7wide, Am/C I was Dm7feeling like my day had just Gbegun.
Where the Ceagles glide descending, There's an Fancient river Cbending, Down the Ctimeless C/Bgorge of Am7changes Am7/Gwhere sFleeplessness aGwaits, I Csearched out my companions, who were Flost in crystal Ccanyons, When the Caimless C/Bblade of Am7science Am7/Gslashed the Fpearly gates,G
FIt was then I knew I'd Ghad enough, burned my Ccredit card for Ffuel, FHeaded out to where the Gpavement turns to Csand,Cmaj7 C With a Fone-way ticket to the Gland of truth and my Csuitcase C/Bin my Am7hand. Am7/G How I Dm7lost my friends I still dont understanGd.
CThey had the best selection, They were Fpoisoned with proCtection, There was Cnothing C/Bthat they Am7needed, Am7/G Fnothing left to Gfind. They were Clost in rock formations, Or Fbecame park bench mutCations, On the the Csidewalks C/Band in the Am7stations,Am7/G they were Fwaiting, Gwaiting. FSo I got bored and Gleft them there, They were Cjust dead weight to Fme, FBetter down the Groad without that Cload,Cmaj7 Cmaj7 C FBring's back the time I was Geight or nine, I was Cwatching my Mama's Am7TV, Am7/G It was that Dm7great Grand Canyon rescue episodGe. With the Cvulture glides descending, On an Fasphalt highway Cbending, Through Clibraries C/Band museAm7ums,Am7/G Fgalaxies and Gstars.
Down the Cwindy halls of friendship, To the Frose clipped by the Cbullwhip, The Cmotel of C/Blost cAm7ompanions Am7/Gwaits with Fheated pool and Gbar. FBut me, I'm not Gstopping there, Got my oCwn row left to Fhoe, FJust another Gline in the field of Ctime.Cmaj7
FWhen the thrashers come I'll be Gstuck in the sun, Like the Cdinosaurs in Am7shrines, Am7/G But I'll Dm7know the time has come to give what's Gmine.