Neil Young - Sun green live
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"sun green" by neil young, as performed live at the hammersmith Apollo, London, England, 5/18/03
Intro: D F C D (Do this 6 times)
Dsun green started makin' waFves
on the dCay her grandpa dDied
Dspeakin' out against anytFhing
unjuCst or packed with lDies
Dshe chained herself to a stFatue of an eagle
in the loCbby of powerDco
aDnd started yellin' through a mFegaphone
C"there's corruption on the highDest floor"
Dsuits poured out of eleFvators "they're all dirty"
Cphoneheads began to spDeak "you can't trust anybody"
Dbut security couldn't gFet her down
she was weClded to the eagle's Dbeak
F (Slide) G (do this twice)
Dsun green leaned into that meFgaphone
and said, &quCot;truth is aDll i seek"
Dsecurity brought in some blowFtorches
Cnews cameras recorded the speDech
D"when the city is plunged intFo darkness
Cby an unpredicted rolling blDackout
Dthe white house always blames the gFovernor,
Csayin', 'the solution is to vote himD out'"
Don top of that great bronze eaFgle
Csun's voice was loud and clDear
she said, &qDuot;powerco is workin' with tFhe white house
to parCalyze our state with fDear"
Dit was a golden moFment
Cin the history of tv neDws
Dno one could expFlain it
Cit just got great reviDews
"hey mr. clean, you're dirty now too
hey mr. clean, you're dirty now too
hey mr. clean, you're dirty now too
hey mr. clean, you're dirty now too"
Dthe imitators were plaFyin'G
Ddown at john lee's Fbar G
Dwhen sun went down to see 'em F G
Dsomeone followed her in a caFr G
Dso now when she goes dancin'F G
Dshe has to watch her back F G
Dthe FBI just trashed her room
one of them kicked her cat F G
Dthe damn thing scratched his leFg
Cand he had to shoot it deDad
Dand leave it lyin' in a puFddle of blood
Cat the foot of sun green's Dbed
"hey mr. clean, you're dirty now too
FheGy Dmr. clean, you're dirty now too
FheGy Dmr. clean, you're dirty now too
FheGy Dmr. clean, you're dirty now too"
D F G (Do this Four Times)
Djohn lee's was rockin' F G
Dthe imitators drove it home F G
Dsun was dancin' up a heatwaveF G
Dfor a while she was all alone..F. G
Dwhen up walked a tall stranger F G
Dhe shadowed her move to move F G
Din perfect unison F G
Da supernatural grooveF G
Dhe took her by the hFand
Cand the room began to sDpin
Dhe said, "i'm earthF... earth brown
Cyou know the shape i'm Din
Di'm leavin' tonight for alaFska
Cand i want you to come in the spDring
Dand be a goddess in the plaFnet wars
Ctryin' to save the livin' tDhings"
D"i'm ready to go riFght now,"
Csun green told earth broDwn
D"let's go back to Fmy place,
Cpick up my cat and leave this tDown behind"
FheGy Dmr. clean, you're dirty now too
FheGy Dmr. clean, you're dirty now too
FheGy Dmr. clean, you're dirty now too
FheGy Dmr. clean, you're dirty now too
D F C D (Do this four timeS)
Dnext day sun green got busFted for pot
Cand it made the headline nDews
Dbut then the charges aFll got dropped
Cand the story got conDfused
Dshe'd still like to meet julia bFutterfly
Cand see what remedy Dbrings
Dand be a goddess in the plFanet wars
Ctryin' to save the livin' Dthings
Dbut that might not be Feasy
Clivin' on the rDun
Dmother earth has many eneFmies
Cthere's much work to be dDone
"hey mr. clean, you're dirty now too"