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This is taken, from chords by Derwood and adding all of the lyrics. Feel free to post under your own name. I can't believe that this isn't tabbed anywhere yet. It's only the best song on the album! Sometimes, you just have to do things yourself. This is in standard tuning. I've written it out in standard chords, though I know that Neil uses alternate chord forms. Either way, it sounds fine this way. INTRO ----- Bm F# Bm G Bm A Bm D A Bm Bm D E G Bm A G F#
Bm Back in theA days of Shock anBmd Awe D We came to Aliberate them Bmall
Bm History was a Dcruel judge of EoverconfideGnce Bm Back in the Adays of Shock and GAwe F#
BmBack in the dAays of "mission accoBmmplished" DOur chief was Alanding on the dBmeck
DThe sun was sAetting on a goBmlden photo op BmBack in the dAays of "mission aGccomplished"
BmThousands of bAodies in the grounBmd DBrought home iAn boxes to a trumpeBmt's sound
DNo one sees thAem coming home tBmhat way BmThousands burAied in the groGund
INSTRUMENTAL BREAK ------------------ Same as Intro: Bm F# Bm G Bm A Bm D A Bm Bm D E G Bm A G F#
BmThousands of chAildren scarred for Bmlife DMillions of teaArs for a soldier's wBmife
DBoth sides aAre losing nBmow DHeaven takes Athem in Bm
BmThousands of chAildren scarred for Glife
BmWe had a chaAnce to change our miBmnd DBut somehow wAisdom was hard to fBmind
DWe went with whatA we knew and now weBm can't go back BmBut we had a chanAce to change oGur mind.
Same as Intro: Bm F# Bm G Bm A Bm D A Bm Bm D E G Bm A G F#