Morrissey - You know it couldnt last
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MORRISSEY - You know I couldn't last
(from album You are the Quarry)
C The whisperingsEm, may hurt you
Am But the printed wFord might kill you
C The whisperingsEm, may hurt you
Am But the printed wFord might kill you
SCo don't let the blEmue, the blue eyesAm fool you
They're just geAlignite, loaded and aiming right between your eyes
DCDs and T-shirts, pGromos GoD/F#d knows Em- oh!
You kAnow I couldn't lDast
DSomeoGne, plD/F#ease take mEme homAe
CThe teenagersEm, who love you,Am they will wake up, Fyawn and kill you
CThe teenagersEm, who love you,Am they will wake up, Fyawn and kill you
So dCon't let the blEmue, the blue eyes Amfool you
They're just gelAignite, loaded and aiming right between your eyes
DCDs and T-shirts, pGromos GoD/F#d knows Em- oh!
You kAnow I couldn't lDast
DSomeoGne, plD/F#ease take mEme homAe
There's a cash rDegister rGinging D/F#and
EmIt weighs Aso heavy on my back
DSomeoGne D/F#please Emtake me hAome
CThe critics whoEm, can't break you
AmThey somehow helFp to make you
CThe critics whoEm, can't break you
AmUnwittingly theFy make you
So Cdon't let the good days, of the Emgold discs, creep up andAm mug you
No, no - ANo, no, no-oh!
With eDvil legal GeaD/F#gles,Em you kAnow I couldn't last
DaccountantsG raD/F#mpantEm, you kAnow I couldn't last
DEvery -iGst and evD/F#ery -ismEm, thrown my way to sAtay
DAnd the northernG leechesD/F# go on, reEmmoving, removing, reAmoving
CThen in the Fend, your royalties bring you lCuxuries,F your royalties bring you
Dmluxuries, Foh bGut
DThe squalor of the Gmind,D the squalor of the mGind, Dthe squalor of the mGind