Morrissey - World is full of crashing bores
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The World is Full of Crashing Bores Morrissey
Album: You are the Quarry
Ok, this is not the best chart, but I luuurve this song [oh Morrissey what would i
do with out you]and thought a sketchy tab is better than none. you'll be able to play
along with this, could be wrong but it works, till some-one does a better Job, enjoy.
BbYou must be woFndering hoGm- w the boFy next door turned Gmout.
Have a cAare, but don't sBbtare because he's still Fthere, lamenting
DPolicewomen, C#policemen, Csilly women, C#taxmen, Duniformed whores,
DThey who C#wish to Churt you,C# Dwork within the law
This world is Gmfu -ohEb-oh ohA- ull so Ffull of crashing Gbores,
GAnd I must be Fone coz no one Ebever turns to me Dmto say, take me in youEbr arms
..Take me iFn your armEs and lEbove me
BbYou must be Fwondering hoGm - w the Fboy next door turned oGmut,
Have a Acare and say a Bbprayer because he's still Fthere, lamenting
D*Policewomen, C#policemen, Csilly women, C#taxmen, Duniformed whores,
DEducC#ated CcrimiC#nals Dwork within the law
*This world is Gmfu -Eboh-oh Aoh- ull so fFull of crashing Gmbores,
And I must be Fone coz no one Ebever turns to me to Dmsay, take me in yEbour arms
..Take me inF your armEs and Eblove me
BbWhat really Flies beyGmond the constrFaints of my minGmd'
Could it be the sAea' With Bbfate mooning back at me' No it's Fjust more
DLockjawC# popstars,C thicker thanC# pigshit,D nothing to convey.
But so Dscared to C#show inCtelligenceC#, it might Dsmear their lovely career
This Gmworld,Eb I am afraiAd, is desiFgned for crashing bGmores, I am nFot one,
I am Ebnot one,
DYou don't understEband, yFou don't understandBb, And yet you caCn take me in
your arms and lEbove me, loveF me and lFove me,Gm take mGme in your arms and love Ebme
DTake me in your arms and Eblove me, F take me in your arms and love me
BbWould you dCo, would yEbou do, what you shoFuld do, oh oh oh
Outro: the pre-chorus section D C# / C C# / D D