Morrissey - Let me kiss you
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Song: Let Me Kiss You
Artist: Morrissey
Album: You Are The Quarry
Twitter: @duuuaaaane
Comments: There's two tabs for this already, however the easier one to play has no
solo and a few mistakes so I thought I'd add mine here.
AmThere's a Eplace in the sun
FFor anyone who has the Gwill to chase oneā¦ anEd I
I think I've found Ammine
Yes, I Fdo believe EI have found Ammine
GSo, Cclose your Eeyes and think of Amsomeone you Gphysically Fadmire
And let me Dmkiss you, Clet me Dmkiss you
Am E F G
E Am F G
AmI've zig-zagged Eall over America and FI cannot find a Csafety Ghaven
ESay, would you let me Amcry on your Fshoulder
I've Eheard that you'll Amtry Ganything Ctwice
CClose your Eeyes and think of Amsomeone you Gphysically Fadmire
And let me Dmkiss you, Clet me Dmkiss you
Am Em F G
Em Am F G x2
But Cthen you open your Eeyes and you see Amsomeone that you Gphysically Fdespise
But my Dmheart is Copen, my Dmheart is Copen Eto Amyou.
Am Em F G
Em Am F G
Repeat to fade.