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MORRISSEY - I HAVE FORGIVEN JESUS The intro/v1. and 2 are accompanied by organ.These are the Guitar Chords as played along with the record.Thought i'd post it as it's that time of year. (*) Notation = E string A B E - F G (x2) This is played along with the chord sequence Intro: Am V1.
I was a Egood kid F I wouldn't do you noE harm Am E F E Am (*) I was a nice kid with a nice paper-round Forgive me E any pain F I may have bGrung to you Am With God's Ehelp I know F I'll always beG near to you F but Jesus hurt me G When He deserted me A but
I have forDmgiven Jesus F for all the desGire C Cadd9/C Am He placed in me when there's nothing I can do with this desire
I was Egood kid through hail and Fsnow I'd go E just to moon you Am I carried my Eheart in my hand F do you understand' G do you understand' F but Jesus hurt me G when He deserted me A but
I have forDmgiven Jesus F for all of the Glove he placed in me C Cadd9/C when there's no one I can turn to with this love
AmMonday-humiliation E Tuesday-suffocation FWednesday-condescension E Thursday-is pathetic by AmFriday-Life hasE killed me by FFriday-Life hasE killed me
Key Change Interlude:
DmOh pretty wAmorld DmOh pretty wEorld
End piece:
why did youAm give me so much desEire' when there is Fnowhere I can go to Eoffload this desire' and why did youAm give me so much love in aE loveless world' when there's Fno one I can turn to to Eunlock all this love and why did you Amstick me in self-deprecating Ebones and skin JesFus-do you Ehate me' why did you Amstick me in self-deprecating Ebones and skin do you hate me' do you Fhate me' do you hate me' do you hEate me' do you hate me' Am
Outro: E F E Am Outro contains the organ too.That's pretty much it.Thanks. Wiggy H.