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HAIRDRESSER ON FIRE - Morrissey Tabbed by: Emilym80 E-mail: From the 1988 album "Viva Hate". Guitar played by Vini Reilly. I've written this out with the lead parts, which basically play simple melodic lines in unison with the rest of the band, and the rhythm part, which plays throughout most of the song. Intro lead: e|--------| B|--------| G|--------| D|--------| A|-----3--| E|-6-5----| Intro rhythm: e|---0----0----0------0------------------------| B|--1-1--1-1--1-1----1-1-----4---3-6-6-3-3-6-6-| G|-2----2----0------2----3-5---3---------------| D|---------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------| Verse rhythm: e|-----3-1-----5-3-----3-1-----5-3-----1-------0------3-1-----5-3-| B|--1-3-----1-3-----1-3-----1-3-----1-3--3--1-3-1--1-3-----1-3----| G|-2-------2-------2-------2-------2-------2------2-------2-------| D|----------------------------------------------------------------| A|----------------------------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------------------------| Bridge lead: e|------------------| B|------------------| G|------------------| D|------------------| A|-1-3-5-3--1-3-5-3-| E|------------------| Bridge rhythm: e|-8-5-| B|-6-6-| G|-5-5-| D|-----| A|-----| E|-----| Chorus/solo rhythm are the same as the intro rhythm. Enjoy. Email me with requests etc. ************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend ************