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Tuning: E A D G B E
Zombies On A Plane by Zombies On Vacation INTRO
EOooh Goooh ooAoh Boooh EOooh Goooh ooAoh Boooh
ESomething was straGnge as I boardAed the plane B EThe skies got darkG, it Astarted to Brain EPut my headphones Gon, to drown oAut the sound B Closed my eyes sEo tightG as the wheAels left the gBround
EOooh Goooh ooAoh Boooh EOooh Goooh ooAoh Boooh
EA short while laGter something sAplashed in my Beyes EI opened them up Gand to my A sur- B prise There was a zombEie eating sGomeone’s bAloody faceB EPeople were screaGming all oAver the Bplace
There were ZombiAes OnG A PElane AWhat am IG gonna doE? AZombies Gon a plaEne CDon’t wanna be a zombieB’s food.
EHeaded toG the cockpit FiAve people iBn tow EOne guy didn’t mGake it he was Amoving to slBow EWe shut the dooGr tight, The pilot Ascreamed “Get outta heBre” EWe said it’s a Gflight of zombies, Athere’s only death outB there
There were ZombiAes OnG A PElane AWhat am wGe gonna dEo? AZombies Gon a plaEne CDon’t wanna be a zombieB’s food.
EThe zombies tried Gto get tAhrough the coBckpit door EThen we notGiced the piAlot was bit bBefore EHe started Gfoaming at thAe mouth, turBning green EThe rest of Gus startedA to sBcream
There were ZombiAes OnG A PElane AWhat am wGe gonna dEo? AZombies Gon a plaEne CDon’t wanna be a zombieB’s food.
EHow does thGis tale end? AYou’ll never Bknow EWill the plGane fly high,A or crash beBlow EOne things cGertain, for Ayou to fearB EZombies, thGey arAe everyBwhere.