Misc Unsigned Bands - The sceraming teenagers - warmth
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Verse #1
APulled to the centeDr and thrown toA the outside,
DPeople all arounAd you; you're alCone
DCreased and crevasAsed, ripped to Dthe core;
D7With every breatDh worth taking
CCrimsoAn rivers won't wash the pain away,
GThis noose won't bring a better day,
CBroken shards of many fall around you
(You're not alone)
DYour tears, call Gme; that story running dowAn your cheek
You plead; kill me, end this life
AGrab my hand, and wiDpe the tears that lie to you, (you are far from alone)
GYesterday Dmay not come, but don't cut out tomorrow,
DWait forG that blinding light; your sorrow we ignite
Verse #2
GScattered fragmeAnts of D7your own, are the only ones around you,
CDrownedD and beaten by the pain that you have given ground to,
Set this hell alight
CYour tears, call me; these streams of red crawl to fingers
You plead; free me, from this life
AGrab my hand, anDd wipe the tears that lie to you, (you are far from alone)
GYesterdayD may not come, but don't cut out tomorrow,
DWait for that blinding light; your sorrow we ignite
AYou will not go this way, Set your sorrow ablaze D