Misc Unsigned Bands - The rock star lads - my question
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This is a song that my band sing
Intro Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm
Verse 1
F G Dm G x4 F F D G F x5
My Question is can you shut up please
FIf YGou DmDo IF'd FBe DPleaGsed FYeGahDm
Dm If You ListeneDmd To My GQueFstiGon YGou Would DmNot Be DmHee-Gere
Dm If You ListeneDmd To My GQueFstiGon YGou Would DmNot Be DmHee-Gere
FLeave IGt WDmhen GI'm FUnhDappGy FYeGahDm
G Dm G Dm G F F
Dm If You ListeneDmd To My GQueFstiGon YGou Would DmNot Be DmHee-Gere
Dm If You ListeneDmd To My GQueFstiGon YGou Would DmNot Be DmHee-Gere
Dm If You ListeneDmd To My GQueFstiGon YGou Would DmNot Be DmHee-Gere
Dm If You ListeneDmd To My GQueFstiGon YGou Would DmNot Be DmHee-Gere
Dm If You ListeneDmd To My GQueFstiGon YGou Would DmNot Be DmHee-Gere
Dm If You ListeneDmd To My GQueFstiGon YGou Would DmNot Be DmHee-Gere
Dm If You ListeneDmd To My GQueFstiGon YGou Would DmNot Be DmHee-Gere
Dm If You ListeneDmd To My GQueFstiGon YGou Would DmNot Be DmHee-Gere