Misc Unsigned Bands - The alex and tom experience - go home taliban
ukulelever. 1
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AmGo Ghome FtalibaDn.
Amdont you Gkill no Fwoman or Dman.
Amhad enougGh, of alFl the Dstuff
Dabout Dbombing The eifel Amtower.
Ami dont Gthink he'sF from arounDd here.
AmeveryGbodyF lives iDn fear.
Amone day Gwe wont Fbe Dhere!
Amone Amday Amwe AmwontAm be Amhere!
Amgo Ghome FtalibaDn.
Amdont you Gkill no Fwoman or Dman
Amhad enoughG, of Fall the Dstuff
Dabout Dbombing the eifel Amtower.
Dwhy cant you Amterrorists Dgo awaAmy?
Dsave it Amfor anDother Amday
Amgo Ghome FtalibaDn
Amdont you Gkill no Fwoman or Dman
Amhad enougGh, of Fall the Dstuff
Dabout Dbombing the eifel Amtower!
solo time!