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Took lyrics from Ryan of theWarpZone/GameStation on youtube ( and the chords from the Lady Gaga song "Born this way". I take no credit for song or lyrics but could not find the two combined anywhere (written down that is, Ryan has combined them), so thought I would write it down. Since I did that I thought I might as well shared it since there might be others who where looking for it. (Btw the way, im not sure these are the chords he uses, I dont think it is, but if someone wanna use this and put in the chords he uses, be my guest :) ) Capo 2 It doesn't matter if you love men, or X-M-E-N Just put your Claws up! 'Cause baby, you were born this way E D A E
EProfessor told me when DI was young AI was born with super powerEs EI slicked my hair and put some Dspandex on AAin't no yellow suits like ouErs
EGovernment thinks that wDe're a threat But tAhey don't have the right to sEay EYou can't shoot laser beams out Dof your head AYou might have trouble getting lEaid
I'm a mEutant, not gay I think GodD made a mistake But I'm an AX-man baby I was Eborn this way
Just hide yourEself in our school Iceman kDeeps it so cool I'm an XA-Man baby I was Eborn this way
EIn the Blackbird, fly away DBlow your mind just like Jean Grey ABaby I was born this wEay EHavok's gonna save the day DWith his blast of plasma ray We are the AX Men, baby We were Eborn this way
ERaise up your claws Dlike Wolverine EOr let it out with a DBanshee scream Ered, blue, steel, or Dhairy chest Escaly pores or Ddiamond breasts EIf your super Dabilities EKilled your friends or Dfamilies EJust lay low with usD today ECause baby
you're kinda stuck this way
No matter Egood, bad, or both Team X or DTeam Magneto We can be Abest friends except For that Edouche bag Pyro We made a Emovie again Wolverine DOrigins Was a fluke Anow First Class Is an Eepic win!
EIn the Blackbird fly away DBlow your mind AWe are the X-Men baby EWe were born this way!