Misc Unsigned Bands - Norma tenaga - walkin my cat named dog
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Capo: 2
Walkin' My Cat Named Dog:Norma Tenega.
#2 in 1966.
#1.(Capo 2nd fret for original. Check out the video
on YouTube.)
CI'm walkin' all aFround the Ctown,
CSingin' all the Fpeople Cdown,
G7Talkin' aCround, G7talkin' aCround.
CMe and my Fcat named CDog,
CAre walkin' high Fagainst the Cfog,
G7Singin' the Csun..G7Singin' the Csun.
CHappy, Fsad and G7crazy Cwonder..
CChokin' up my G7mind with Fperpetual Cdreamin'G7...C G7 C
CI'm driftin' up and Fdown the Cstreet,
CSearchin' for the Fsound of Cpeople,
G7swingin' their Cfeet, G7swingin' their Cfeet.
CDog is a Fgood old Ccat..Cpeople what you Fthink of Cthat?
G7That's where I'm Cat, G7that's where I'm Cat.
CDog is a Fgood old Ccat..Cpeople what you Fthink of Cthat?
G7That's where I'm Cat, G7that's where I'm Cat,
G7that's where I'm Cat.
A sixties smash from Kraziekhat.