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Title : Blue Monday Artist : Miguel Escueta For any Comments and Suggestions: Text Me: 09082360710/09156169501 Email Me: Friendster: Tuning: Standard Intro: Drum First Then Do Chords E-B-C#m (8x) Verse I:
HEow doBes it feC#mel? To tEreat me lBike you C#mdo When you've laEid your hBands uC#mpon me
And toEld me whoB youC#m are, IE thought IB was mC#mistaken I Ethought BI heard your wC#mords, TellE me howB do C#mI feel Tell mEe now how Bdo I fC#meel, Tell me now how do I feel
HEow doBes itC#m feel? HEow Bdoes iC#mt feel? Tell mEe how sBhould C#mI feel, when yF#ou treat me Blike yC#mou do
Verse II:
ThEose who caBme beforeC#m me, LiEved throught tBheir vaC#mcations FrEom the past Buntil compleC#mtion, TheEy will turnB away C#mno more AnEd still IB find it sC#mo hard, TEo say what BI need tC#mo say But I'm qEuite suBre that you'll tC#mell me JuF#st how I should feBel tC#oday Adlib: E-B-C#m (4x) Verse III: IE see a Bship in the haC#mrbor, I cEan and Bshall obC#mey But IfE it wasn't fBor your misfoC#mrtunes I'd bEe a heavenly peBrsonC#m today And I Ethought IB was mistaC#ken, AnEd I thought I hBeard you speak Tell me hEow dBo I fC#meel, TeF#ll me now howB do IC#m feel Adlib: E-B-C#m (8x)
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