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Capo: 3
Capo 3 Verse 1
FI want to fallC asleep to rolling cDmrash of thundeAmr G FI want to fallC asleep and wake up soDmmewhere far better Am G FI will keep sippiCng away at my sweet DmdreAmams G DmA little bit of hoAmney can fix anythinGg
FSlicker than the bees knees, quicker than a Clightning bolt Dm My heart yea it was cAmaptured quick G Fbrighter than a school busses warning ligCht In the midDmst of storming weaAmther G FMy white coffeCe mug keeps calling my nameDm Am G Dm“Go fill meAm up then go find yoGur prince charming”
FBut where should I look, to thCe mountains or thDme roar of a raging sea?Am G FBesides coffee ain�C?t so good for you if you Dmare trying to sleeAmp G FSo I will keep siCpping away at my sweDmet Amdreams G DmThinking how my honey caAmn fix anything G
FBut where should I look, to thCe mountains or thDme roar of a raging sea?Am G FDon’t chu knCow Minnesota Dmis where I was born toAm be G FSo I will just keep onC with my simple wDmandAmering G DmWhen will my dreams becoAmme reality? G