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Artist: Lord Pretender Song: Never Ever Worry Album: Rough Guide to Calypso and Soca Chords by: Juscoolfella - Daryll Kyle Intro :
ASome peoplDe in the world toAday Don't realise thEat worries dAon't pay Plenty peopleD in the world todAay Don't realise thEat worries dAon't pay Resting their woDrries upon your shAoulder Only bringing yoEu older and Aolder These wicked tDhings them people dAoes do They don't realiEse you have Aworries too.
Tell them to...
ANever ever worry, don't mind how thingsE looking hard...ah say to tell them BmNever ever worry, don't mind how you sufAfering bad ANever ever worry, what I’m sayiBmng is true Always Aconsider somebody sufEfering morAe than you
When I was young, Granny said to me Olric boy, never ever worry Or your problems would seem bigger and bigger And you’ll be living a life of torture She told me, as a matter of fact To fling all mih troubles behind mih back Keep in touch with the almighty For guidance, love and stability She said to... Never ever worry, don't mind how things looking hard...mih granny told me Never ever worry, don't mind how you suffering bad...mih granny tell me Never ever worry, what I’m saying is true Always consider somebody suffering more than you. Dis one happen a few weeks ago, which part, quite down in Toco A fellah wanted to commit suicide You know he ran quite down by the wayside Only a fig the man had to eat He eat the fig and threw the fig skin in the street From the time that the fig skin fall by he feet A fellah snatch it up and started to eat And he told him... Never ever worry, you feel that things really hard...the fellah tell him Never ever worry, you feel that you suffering bad...yes, he told him Never ever worry, what I’m saying is true Presently you could see, somebody suffering more than you. I'm sure you heard or you either read What all these great scientists have said Is a fact and I've been told Worries is the worse sickness in the world Oh yes, they further explain If you let worries take charge of your brain Ten to one, you'll end up like a louse Stark staring mad in the crazy house That's right Never ever worry, don't mind how things looking hard...ah tell you Never ever worry, don't mind how you suffering bad...ah tell you Never ever worry, what I’m saying is true Anywhere you turn, somebody suffering more than you. Never ever worry, don't mind how things looking hard...ah tell you Never ever worry, don't mind how you suffering bad Never ever worry, what I’m saying is true Always consider, somebody suffering more than you....