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The whole song is E F#m A E except for one change in the chorus.
So Emany things toF#m do when I woke up toAday that I went bacEk to bed. AndE so many thingF#ms I still want to chaAnge but I got high insteEad. And I wEas born in aF#m hospital but I was bAaptized by the seEa And I hEave seen the things that are F#mdestroying you And I'm Agonna try not to let them desEtroy me.
BecEause I once wF#mas broken but Anow I am Ewhole E F#, A E And the universe, well, it's forgiven me for all those things I stole And thBere's a garden growing Awhen all of my blessings get old.
ThEe wild is my F#mreligion and thAis garden is my prEactice So Emany things I hF#mave yet to learn andA so many things I have yEet to give. ButE they'll stiF#mll find my cell Aphone snapped into two pEieces too late SitEting softly inF#m the sand at theA bottom of my beloved LEong Lake.
AndE there's this girl I lF#move, she knows what I'veA done but she lets me sleeEp in her bed. SheE gives me the peace IF#m could never find in Aany of those books I rEead. AndE I could walk backwaF#mrds from Jerusalem and Astill not know where EI've been Or Ego back to the time beF#mfore I lost my mind anAd realized I'm okay witEh it.