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e|-Am0---A20---C0--Dsus-3----D2--Em-0--| B|-1---0---1---3----3---0--| G|-2---2---0---2----2---0--| D|-2---2---2---0----0---2--| A|-0---0---3---0----0---2--| E|-X---X---X---X----X---0--|
Capo 4 Intro: Am A2 Am A2 (2x) Verse 1:
A jAmudge of a nA2ation, a Amman of great stA2rength FAmell for a wA2oman, Amof another rA2ace AmGod gave you A2power, for yAmou to A2use You tAmossed it A2away, 'Cause you tDsushought you cDouldn't A2lose
Chorus 1:
Oh SCamson can't you sA2ee, who yDou're supposed to Embe A mCan that sA2eeks, the gDreat King of kEmings A sCervant of the LA2ORD, susDtainer of our nEmeeds Oh SCamson can't you sA2ee, oh SDamson can't you sAmee A2 Am A2
Verse 2:
A Amman of great sA2tature, gAmiven a tA2hrone CAmhosen by GA2od, to rAmule His A2own But yAmou rebA2elled, Amtook your own rA2oad TAmhrew away GA2od, for a Dsuslarge heDavy lA2oad
Chorus 2:
Oh SCaul can't you sA2ee, who yDou're supposed to Embe A mCan that sA2eeks, the grDeat King of kEmings A sCervant of the LA2ORD, susDtainer of our nEmeeds Oh SCaul can't you A2see, oh SDaul can't you sAmee A2 Am A2
Verse 3:
A nAmation of GA2od, built Amon his wA2ord A pAmeople who resA2pond, a nAmation that hA2eard But Amwe throw it A2away, for our Amown desA2ire We thAmought we cA2ould, Dsusonly gDo hA2igher
Chorus 3:
Oh AmCerica can't you sA2ee, who yDou're supposed to Embe A nCation that sA2eeks, the grDeat King of kEmings SeCrvants of the LA2ORD, susDtainer of our nEmeeds Oh AmCerica can't you sA2ee, oh AmeDrica can't you sAmee A2 Am A2
Verse 4:
Oh GAmod we are bA2lind, to Amall that You A2do We Amask for forgA2iveness, we rAmepent to A2You We Amlove ourselA2ves, we knock Amothers dA2own We Ambend their kA2nees, 'Dsustill they hDit the gA2round
Chorus 4:
Oh GCod help us sA2ee, who wDe're supposed to Embe A peCople who sA2eek, the grDeat King of kEmings SeCrvants of the LA2ORD, susDtainer of our nEmeeds Oh GCod help us sA2ee, oh GDod help us sAmee A2 Am A2