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BULLET – Elliott Murphy ------------------------- Verse:
D I was the bDullet and yoEmu were the gEmun D Standing on mainD street with a shoEmwdown ‘bout tEmo come D Streets were deserDted everybody aEmlready left tEmown D Too late I reDalized I was the foEmol who stuck arouEmnd
G/D Good niDght my oDwn true lEmove DSend out your swDeat prayers abovDe
D I was the oDne and we werEme the two Em D I was completely Dworn out but sEmtill we weren’Emt through D The ghost of the gDood times ShEme kept hanging Emaround D And don’t you lDook so good in yEmour torn weddingEm gown
G/D Good niDght my oDwn true lEmove DSend out your swDeat prayers abovDe
D I was the woDunded and you Emwere the nurse Em D I lay down onD your couch mEman that was a firstEm D I forgot nearlDy everything eEmxcept how to tell youEm time D And don’t you look Dso good when EmI’m coming up froEmm behind
G/D Good niDght my oDwn true lEmove DSend out your swDeat prayers abovDe
DIf I pick up myD guitar, you are theEm pick Em DWhen I finish mDy ice cream bar you?Em??re the littleEm wooden stick DIf I was fire ID’d be cold withoutEm the touch of yEmour match DIf I was the nuDmber twenty-two wellEm then you’d bEme the catch DNo need to lookD outta my window ‘Emcause you’re Emalways the view DI can buy a botDtle of oxygen but I Emcan’t get a dEmeep breath of you DWhen I’m lostD in my memory… youEm turn up in my Emdreams DI was alone in Dthe ocean when you Emfloat by on a wEmarm gulf stream DNow if I was thDe sky you’d be theEm blue Em DOr the green ofD the billiard table Embut I’m definEmitely still the cue DWhen I watch myD TV you’re the onlEmy thing that’Ems ever on DGo for a ride oDn my yellow tractor Emand you’re thEme one crop growing on my farm DWhen I screw inD a light bulb, you aEmre the lamp Em DAnd when I zip Dup my sleeping bag yEmou’re those sEmcary noises outside my camp DIf I was the miDstery you’d be theEm clue Em DIf I was size 1D0D, you’d be the sEmhoe Em