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Capo 4th fret Intro: C G Am7 F x 2
Cweve been here a thouGsand times and weAm7 have walked these flooFrs Cwhen i think aboGut it i knowAm7 i feel quite unsureF C so many peGople we have mAm7et, still i kFnow we'll never foCrget all those memGories as thAm7ey linger neFar
there was the fiCrst time we got here we walGlked right through that door and we were welAm7comed inF i had my nCew shoes on and evGeryone was getting lost bAm7ut we found our waFy, Cwe found our way F
but nowC the time has Gcome for us tAm7o go F weve got to lCeave this path behinGd but weve got a Am7whole new road ahead of usF and now the tiCme has come for uGs to move oAm7n F
Cas i walk down the corridoGrs all the yAm7ears they spring to mFind Cwhen i was late for mcconnGels class and i was tAm7old to wait outsiFde Ci remember it like it wGas yesterday the first tAm7ime i got some gFoo Cbut all of these meGmories they will alAm7ways linger neaFr
there was oCne time in fourth year mGcmanus threw his shoe at aAm7ido he never spoke agaiFn there was that oCther time in 6th year when eveGryone went to club nasAm7sau but we wont bring that up F Cno we'll never bring thaFt up
Cbut now the time has Gcome for us tAm7o go F weve got to Cleave this path behiGnd but weve got a Am7whole new road aheaFd of us and now the tiCme has come for Gus to moAm7ve on ooohhhFh to mCove Gon, to moveAm7 on ooohFhhh, to Cmove onG
sCo now that the tiGme has come i think were rAm7eady to let this gFo eCven though we are leaviGng here i know we'll aAm7lways be remembereFd i know we'll alwayCs be rememberFed C