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DWilliam Taylor was a brisk younGg sailor &#823A2; DFull of heart and full ofG play &amAp;#8232; DTill his mind he did unGcover &amAp;#8232; GTo a youthful lady gF#may G
DFour and twenty British sGailors &aAmp;#8232; DMet him on the king's higGhway &A;#8232; DAs he went for to be maGrried A GPressed he was and sent away F#m G
DFolleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddeGro &#A8232; DFolleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae F#m G D
Folleri-de-dom, de- dGaerai didAdero 
 DFolleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae F#m G
DSailor's clothing she put on G&#823A2; DAnd she went on board as a man-o-war G A D
Her pretty little fingersG long andA slender 
 GThey were smeared with pitch and tarF#m G
DOn the ship there was a battlGe &#8A232; DShe amongst the rest did fighGt &#8A232; DThe wind blew off her silver Gbuttons &Aamp;#8232; GBreasts were bared all snowy white F#m G
DWhen the captain did discoverG &#82A32; DHe said Fair maid, what brought you hGere? A D
Sir, I'm seeking WGilliam TaAylor. 
 GPressed he was by you last yeF#mar. G
DIf you rise up in theG morning.A 
 DEarly at the break oGf day. &aAmp;#8232; DThere you'll find young William TayGlor A G
Walking with hisF#m ladyG gay.
DShe rose early in the mGorning &aAmp;#8232; DEarly at the break oGf day &amAp;#8232; DThere she spied young William Taylor G&#823A2; GWalking with his lady gay F#m G
DShe procured a pair of piGstols &amAp;#8232; DOn the ground where she did stanGd &#8A232; DTheer she shot bold William TGaylor &amAp;#8232; GAnd the lady at his right hand F#m G
DFolleri-de-dom, de- daerai diddeGro &#A8232; DFolleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae F#m G D
Folleri-de-dom, de- dGaerai didAdero 
 DFolleri-de-dom, domme daerai dae F#m G