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Right. Here's Corey Gray's Let Loose, tabbed from the live YouTube Uneeqability version. The Studio version is being released to iTunes in two days time (24th April 2012) and he's a great artist so I recommend buying it. However the tab here may be different to the studio version (if this becomes the case I will edit it or add a new one). This tab is mainly made up of Barre chords. I recommend using them to make transitions easier, and also to get the same sound he does. There are two variations of E and D here, so the barred versions will be in brackets. (E) (D) One last thing: on the first three lines of each chorus, on the A chord, he moves his barre finger back one fret on the Low E string, and forward again, which gives a good bassy quality. This isn't really essential to the song but is a nice trick. A: 577655 C#m: 446655 F#m: 244222 D: xx0232 E: 022100 (D): 557775 (E): 779997 Dm: xx0231 Intro: A/C#m/F#m/D
ACan I have a little time? To tC#mell you about The lF#mong hard days and lonely nights That ID have gone without AAll I want and all I need Is a gC#mirl who fits the shoe? I caF#mn’t believe you’re here And I’m Dabout to let loose
I knoEw it’F#ms new (D) A But I won’t budge E F#m (D) A Let’s take our chance and try our luck E F#m (D) A Your heart was meant for me to find E F#m (D) (E) A C#m F#m D Show me yours and I’ll show you mine I will show you miAneC#m F#m D
ASome people think I’m crazy And I kC#mnow that I am I’ll be asF#m crazy as I have to be For yDou to hold my hand ADarling Darling please believe me When the tiC#mme comes around I gF#met the chance to show you What DI am all about
E F#m (D) A Some fall down and get back up E F#m (D) A Tasting ground reminds me of E F#m (D) A The soul I need but I cannot find E F#m (D) (E) A C#m F#m D Show me yours and I’ll show you mine
I will show you minAe C#m F#m D AOhC#mF#m D
ATake my hand, C#mLet’s go anotherF#m round agaDin ALittle velvet drive me wildC#m And I feel myself shaF#mke
Chills run across my spine
As I’m Dhearing myself sing AAll I want and all I need Is a giC#mrl who fits the shoe I cF#man’t believe you’re here Cos that giDrl is yoDmu
Outro: A