Misc Traditional - The flowers of the forest
ukulelever. 1
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Tuning: G C E A
[Verse 1]
IG've heard them liltin',Dat the eweC milkDin,'
LGasses a-liltin' beDfore dawn of Gday.
BDut nowF they are moanCin', on Gilka greenC loaDnin'.
TheG flowers of theC forest are Da' wede aGway.
[Verse 2]
AGs boughts in the morninD', nae blithe lads Care scorDnin',
LGasses are lonely aDnd dowie and Gwae.
NDae dafFfin', nae gabbCin', butG sighin' aCnd sDobbin',
IlGk ane lifts herC leglin, andD hies herG away.
[Verse 3]
AGt e'en in the gloamin',D nae swankies arCe roamDin',
'MaGng stacks wi' the Dlasses at bogle to Gplay.
BDut ilkF maid sits dreCarie, laGmentin' heCr deDarie,
ThGe flowers of thCe forest areD a' wede Gaway.
[Verse 4]
IGn har'st at the shearinD' nae youths nowC are jDeerin'
BanGdsters are runkledD, and lyart, or Ggrey.
ADt fairF or at preachiCn', nae Gwooin', naCe flDeecin',
ThGe flowers of thCe forest areD a' wede Gaway.
[Verse 5]
DGool for the order sent Dour lads to the CBordDer
theG English for ance Dby guile wan theG day.
TDhe floFwers of the foCrest, thGat fought aye tChe foremDost,
ThGe prime of our Cland lie cauDld in theG clay.
[Verse 6]
WGe'll hae nae mair liltiDn', at the ewe CmilkDin',
WomGen and bairns Dare dowie andG wae.
SDighin'F and mCoanin' oGn ilka greCen loaniDn',
ThGe flowers of thCe forest areD all wedeG away.