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The cremation of Sam McGee is something of a beloved traditional ballad in my family and is recited by various family members at get-togethers. I struggled remembering such a long ballad and wished it was set to music, which I find easier to put to memory. Recently I stumbled across a You-Tube video (sorry, lost the source!) of someone singing it to the tune of the "County Down." I was absolutely tickled about it and figured I'd better share. Rhythm-wise I use a more up-beat count but don't usually go quite so fast as the Irish Rovers in their County down. The Cremation of Sam McGee By Robert William Service (with slight adjustments for flow)
There are Emstrange things done in the Gmidnight Dsun By the Emmen who Cmoil for Dgold; The EmArctic trails have their Gsecret Dtales That would Emmake your Dblood run Emcold; The GNorthern Lights have Dseen queer sights, But the Emqueerest they Cever did Dsee Was that Emnight on the marge of GLake DLebarge I Emcremated DSam McEmGee.
Now EmSam McGee was from GTennessDee, where the Emcotton Cblooms and Dblows. Why he Emleft his home in the GSouth to Droam 'round the EmPole, DGod only Emknows. He was Galways cold, but the Dland of gold seemed to Emhold him Clike a Dspell; Though he'd Emoften say in his Ghomely Dway that he'd Em"sooner Dlive in Emhell".
On a EmChristmas Day we were Gmushing our Dway Emover the CDawson Dtrail. EmTalk of your cold! through the Gparka's Dfold it Emstabbed like a Ddriven Emnail. If our Geyes we'd close, then the Dlashes froze till Emsometimes we Ccouldn't Dsee; It Emwasn't much fun, but the Gonly Done to Emwhimper was DSam EmMcGee.
And that Emvery night, as we Glay packed Dtight in our Emrobes beneaCth the Dsnow, And the Emdogs were fed, and the Gstars over Dhead were Emdancing Dheel and Emtoe, He Gturned to me, and D"Cap," says he, "I'll Emcash in this Ctrip, I Dguess; And Emif I do, I'm Gasking that Dyou won't Emrefuse my Dlast Emrequest."
Well, he Emseemed so low that I Gcouldn't say Dno; then he Emsays with a Csort of Dmoan: "It's the Emcursed cold, and it's Ggot right Dhold till I'm Emchilled clean Dthrough to the Embone. Yet 'Gtain't being dead -- it's my Dawful dread of the Emicy Cgrave that Dpains; So I Emwant you to swear that, Gfoul or Dfair, you'll cEmremate my Dlast remEmains."
A Empal's last need is a Gthing to Dheed, so I Emswore I Cwould not Dfail; And we Emstarted on at the Gstreak of Ddawn; but EmGod! he Dlooked ghastly Empale. He Gcrouched on the sleigh, and he Draved all day of his Emhome in CTennesDsee; And befoEmre nightfall a Gcorpse was Dall that was Emleft of DSam McEmGee.
There Emwasn't a breath in that Gland of Ddeath, and I Emhurried, Chorror-Ddriven, With a Emcorpse half hid that I Gcouldn't get Drid, becaEmuse of a Dpromise Emgiven; It was Glashed to the sleigh, and it Dseemed to say: "You may Emtax your Cbrawn and Dbrains, But you Empromised true, and it's Gup to Dyou to cremEmate those Dlast reEmmains."
Now a Empromise made is a Gdebt unpDaid, and the Emtrail has its Cown stern Dcode. In the Emdays to come, though my Glips were Ddumb, in my Emheart how I Dcursed that Emload. In the Glong, long night, by the Dlone firelight, while the Emhuskies, Cround in a Dring, Howled Emout their woes to the Ghomeless Dsnows -- O EmGod! how I Dloathed the Emthing.
And Emevery day that Gquiet Dclay seemed to Emheavy and Cheavier Dgrow; And on I Emwent, though the Gdogs were Dspent and the Emgrub was Dgetting Emlow; The Gtrail was bad, and I Dfelt half mad, but I Emswore I Cwould not give Din; And I'd Emoften sing to the Ghateful Dthing, and it Emhearkened Dwith a Emgrin.
Till I Emcame to the marge of GLake LeDbarge, and a Emderelict Cthere Dlay; It was Emjammed in the ice, but I Gsaw in a Dtrice it was Emcalled the "DAlice EmMay". And I Glooked at it, and I Dthought a bit, and I Emlooked at my Cfrozen Dchum; Then Em"Here," said I, with a Gsudden Dcry, "is my Emcre-ma-Dtor-eEmum."
Some Emplanks I tore from the Gcabin Emfloor, and I Emlit the Cboiler Dfire; Some Emcoal I found that was Glying aroDund, and I Emheaped the Dfuel Emhigher; The Gflames just soared, and the Dfurnace roared -- such a Emblaze you Cseldom Dsee; And I Emburrowed a hole in the Gglowing Dcoal, and I Emstuffed in DSam McEmGee.
Then I Emmade a hike, for I Gdidn't Dlike to Emhear him Csizzle Dso; And the Emheavens scowled, and the Ghuskies Dhowled, and the Emwind begDan to Emblow. It was Gicy cold, but the Dhot sweat rolled down my Emcheeks, and I Cdon't know Emwhy; And the Emgreasy smoke in an Ginky Dcloak went Emstreaking Ddown the Emsky.
I Emdo not know how Glong in the Dsnow I Emwrestled with Cgrisly Dfear; But the Emstars came out and they Gdanced abDout ere Emagain I Dventured Emnear; I was Gsick with dread, but I Dbravely said: "I'll just Emtake a Cpeep insDide. I Emguess he's cooked, and it's Gtime I Dlooked"; . . . then the Emdoor I Dopened Emwide.
And Emthere sat Sam, looking Gcool and Dcalm, in the Emheart of the Cfurnace Droar; And he Emwore a smile you could Gsee a Dmile, and he Emsaid: "Please Dclose that Emdoor. It's Gfine in here, but I Dgreatly fear you'll Emlet in the Dcold and Emstorm -- Since I Emleft Plumtree, down in GTennesDsee, it's the Emfirst time DI've been Emwarm."
There are Emstrange things done in the Gmidnight Dsun By the Emmen who Cmoil for Dgold; The EmArctic trails have their Gsecret Dtales That would Emmake your Dblood run Emcold; The GNorthern Lights have Dseen queer sights, But the Emqueerest they Cever did Dsee Was that Emnight on the marge of GLake DLebarge I Emcremated DSam McEmGee.