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Tuning: E A D G B E
[Verse 1]
Did you Gever hear tell ofD Sweet BetsGy from Pike, Who crossed the wide Emmountains with Dher lover Ike, Two yGoke of cattle, a Clarge yeller Gdog A tall Shanghai Drooster, and a one-spotted Ghog.
N.CSinging too-ra-li-oo-ra-li-oo-ra-li-ay.
[Verse 2]
They Gswam the wide rivers and Dcrossed the tall Gpeaks, And camped on the Emprairie for Dweeks upon weeks. StarGvation and cholera, Chard work and Gslaughter-- They reached DCalifornia 'spite of hell and high Gwater.
N.CSinging too-ra-li-oo-ra-li-oo-ra-li-ay.
[Verse 3]
One eveGning quite early they Dcamped on the GPlatte, Twas near by the road on a Emgreen shady Dflat. Betsy, Gsore-footed, lay Cdown to reGpose-- With wonder Ike Dgazed on that Pike County Grose.
N.CSinging too-ra-li-oo-ra-li-oo-ra-li-ay.
[Verse 4]
Out on the Gprairie one Dbright, starry Gnight, They broke out the Emwhiskey, and Betsy got Dtight. She Gsang and she Cshouted and she danced o'er the Gplain, And she showed her Dbare arse to the whole wagon Gtrain.
N.CSinging too-ra-li-oo-ra-li-oo-ra-li-ay.
[Verse 5]
The GInjuns came down in a Dthundering Ghorde, And Betsy was scared Emthey would scalp her aDdored. So uGnder the wagon-bed CBetsy did cGrawl And she fought off the DInjuns with musket and Gball.
N.CSinging too-ra-li-oo-ra-li-oo-ra-li-ay.
[Verse 6]
The wGagon broke down with a Dterrible crGash, And out on the prairie Emrolled all sorts of Dtrash. A fGew little baby-clothes, Cdone up with Gcare, Looked rather susDpicious, but all on the Gsquare.
N.CSinging too-ra-li-oo-ra-li-oo-ra-li-ay.
[Verse 7]
They sGtopped at Salt Lake to Dinquire of the Gway, When Brigham declared that EmSweet Betsy should Dstay. Betsy got Gfrightened and Cran like a Gdeer, While Brigham stood Dpawing the ground like a Gsteer.
N.CSinging too-ra-li-oo-ra-li-oo-ra-li-ay.
[Verse 8]
The alGkali desert was bDurning and Gbare, And Isaac's soul sEmhrank from the Ddeath that lurked there. "Dear old GPike County, I'll Cgo back to Gyou"-- Says Betsy, "DYou'll go by yourself if you Gdo!"
N.CSinging too-ra-li-oo-ra-li-oo-ra-li-ay.
[Verse 9]
They Gsoon reached the desert, where DBetsy gave Gout, And down in the sand she lay Emrolling aDbout. Ike in Ggreat wonder looked Con in surGprise, Saying, "DBetsy, get up, you'll get sand in your Geyes."
N.CSinging too-ra-li-oo-ra-li-oo-ra-li-ay.
[Verse 10]
Sweet GBetsy got up in a Dgreat deal of Gpain. She declared she'd go back to EmPike County aDgain. Ike Ggave a sigh, and they Cfondly emGbraced, And they Dtraveled along with his arm round her Gwaist.
N.CSinging too-ra-li-oo-ra-li-oo-ra-li-ay.
[Verse 11]
The ShanGghai ran off, and the Dcattle all Gdied, That morning the last Empiece of bacon was Dfried. Ike got disGcouraged, CBetsy got Gmad, The dog drooped his Dtail and looked Gwoefully sad.
N.CSinging too-ra-li-oo-ra-li-oo-ra-li-ay.
[Verse 12]
They Gsuddenly stopped on a Dvery high Ghill, With wonder looked Emdown upon old PlacerDville. Ike said to GBetsy, as he Ccast his eyes Gdown, "Sweet Betsy, my Ddarling, we've got to HangGtown."
N.CSinging too-ra-li-oo-ra-li-oo-ra-li-ay.
[Verse 13]
Long Ike and GSweet Betsy atDtended a dGance. Ike wore a pair of his EmPike County pDants. Betsy was cGovered with Cribbons and Grings. Says Ike, "You're an Dangel, but where is your Gwings?"
N.CSinging too-ra-li-oo-ra-li-oo-ra-li-ay.
[Verse 14]
A miner said, "GBetsy, will you Ddance with Gme?" "I will that, old hoss, Emif you don't make too Dfree. Don't Gdance me hard, do you Cwant to know Gwhy? Doggone you, I'm Dchock-full of strong alGkali."
N.CSinging too-ra-li-oo-ra-li-oo-ra-li-ay.
[Verse 15]
This GPike County couple got Dmarried, of Gcourse, But Ike became jealous, and Emobtained a Ddivorce. Betsy, Gwell-satisfied, sCaid with a sGhout, "Goodby, you big lummox, I'm Dglad you backed Gout!"
N.CSinging too-ra-li-oo-ra-li-oo-ra-li-ay.