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National Anthem of the Russian Federation chords Composer: Alexander Alexandrov 1942 Lyrics: Sergey Mikhalkov and Gabriel El-Registan ** Version I *
ARussiC#ma our Dholy Anation, BmRussia Bm7our beDloved counEtry. A Amighty Ewill, great F#mglorC#my D A B7 E (E D E) Yours given for all time
Be Aglorious, our free EFatherland, F#mAge-old union of fraternal C#mpeoples, DNational wisdom given by our forebears
Be glorious, our country We are proud of you
DFrom the Esouthern seas to the Apolar lands BmSpread are our Eforests and F#mfields. DYou are unique in the world, Aone of a kind B7Native land protected by EGod
AWide spaces for C#mdreams Dand for Aliving Are Bmopened Bm7for us Dby the coming Eyears Our Aloyalty to our EFatherland F#mgives us C#mstrength. D A B7 E (E D E) Thus it was, thus it is and always will be
Be Aglorious, our free EFatherland, F#mAge old union of fraternal C#mpeoples, DNational wisdom given by our forebears
Be glorious, our country We are proud of you
DFrom the Esouthern seas to the Apolar lands BmSpread are our Eforests and F#mfields. DYou are unique in the world, Aone of a kind B7Native land protected by EGod
* Alternate chords: Capo II A = G C#m = Bm D = C Bm = Am E = D F#m = Em B7 = A7 Pavel Yurkov** Set8 Version II Capo II
GRussiBma our Choly Gnation, AmRussiaAm7 our beCloved counDtry. A Gmighty Dwill, great EmgloBmry C G A7 D (D C D) Yours given for all time
Be Gglorious, our free DFatherland, EmAge old union of fraternal Bmpeoples, CNational wisdom given by our forebears
Be glorious, our country We are proud of you
CFrom the Dsouthern seas to the Gpolar lands AmSpread are our Dforests and Emfields. CYou are unique in the world, Gone of a kind A7Native land protected by DGod
GWide spaces for Bmdreams Cand for Gliving Are Amopened Am7for us Cby the coming Dyears Our Gloyalty to our DFatherland Emgives us Bmstrength. C G A7 D (D C D) Thus it was, thus it is and always will be
Be Gglorious, our free DFatherland, EmAge old union of fraternal Bmpeoples, CNational wisdom given by our forebears
Be glorious, our country We are proud of you
CFrom the Dsouthern seas to the Gpolar lands AmSpread are our Dforests and Emfields. CYou are unique in the world, Gone of a kind A7Native land protected by DGod
* Alternate chords: Capo II A = G C#m = Bm D = C Bm = Am E = D F#m = Em B7 = A7 Pavel Yurkov** Set8 Transliteration * Gosudarstvenny Gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii
ARossiyC#ma svyashchennaya Dnasha Aderzhava, BmRossiyBm7a lyubimaya Dnasha stErana. AMoguchaEya volya, velikayF#ma slC#mava D A B7 E (E D E) Tvoyo dostoyanye na vse vremena
ASlav'sya, Otechestvo Enashe svobodnoye, F#mBratskikh narodov soyuz C#mvekovoy, DPredkami dannaya mudrost' narodnaya
Slav'sya, strana My gordimsya toboy
DOt yuzhnyEkh morey do polyarnAogo kraya BmRaskinulis' nEashi lesaF#m i polya. DOdna ty na svete! Odna tyA takaya B7Khranimaya Bogom rodnaya Ezemlya
AShirokC#miy prostor dlya mechty iD dlya Azhizni. BmGryaduBm7shchiye nam otkrDyvayut gEoda. ANam silEu dayot nasha vernostF#m' OtC#mchizne. D A B7 E (E D E) Tak bylo, tak yest' i tak budet vsegda
ASlav'sya, Otechestvo Enashe svobodnoye, F#mBratskikh narodov soyuz C#mvekovoy, DPredkami dannaya mudrost' narodnaya
Slav'sya, strana My gordimsya toboy
DOt yuzhnyEkh morey do polyarnAogo kraya BmRaskinulis' nEashi lesaF#m i polya. DOdna ty na svete! Odna tyA takaya B7Khranimaya Bogom rodnaya Ezemlya
* Alternate chords: Capo II A = G C#m = Bm D = C Bm = Am E = D F#m = Em B7 = A7 ** A very special thanks to Pavel Yurkov of Ultimate Guitar for his very, very generous help and assistance in this transcription. Pavel Yurkov Set8