Misc Traditional - Four green fields
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From: Wes Jester <jester@sulu.orl.mmc.com>
Subject: /IRISH/Four_Green_Fields.crd
To: jamesb@animal-farm.nevada.edu
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 93 13:36:09 EDT
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Four Green Fields
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CWhat Gdid I Chave, said the Ffine old Cwoman
What Gdid I Chave, this Dproud old woman did Gsay
I had Cfour G7green Cfields, each one Fwas a G7jewel
But CstangeG7rs Ccame and D7tried to take then from G7me
I had Cfine G7strong Csons, they fought to Fsave my G7jewels
They Ffought G7and they Cdied, and that was my D7grief G7said Cshe.
Long time ago, said the fine old woman
Long time ago, this proud old woman did say
There was war and death, plundering and pillage
My children died, by mountain, valley and sea
And their wailing cries, they shook the very heavens
My four green fields, ran red with their blood, said she.
What have I now, said the fine old woman
What have I now, this proud old woman did say
I have four green fields, one of them's in bondage
In strangers hands, that tried to take it from me
But my sons have sons, as brave as were there fathers
My fourth green field, will bloom once again said she.