Misc Traditional - Away with rum
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Tuning: E A D G B E
[Verse 1]
We're Gcoming, we're coming, our D7brave little Gband,
On the right side of temperance we D7do take our Gstand.
We D7don't use tGobacco because we do Gthink
That the people who use it are D7likely to Gdrink.
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 2]
We Gnever touch honey, it D7turns into mGead,
And stealing from insects is the D7worst sort of Ggreed
Oh D7can you imGagine a man with GDTs
Pursued by a swarm of mad, D7pink bumbleGbees?
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 3]
We Gnever use lotion when we D7shave our Gchins
Cause osmosis lets all the D7alcohol Gin
Can D7you imagine what Gpeople will Gsay
When you're under the basin, oD7smosed for the Gday?
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 4]
We Gnever eat chocolate beD7cause it has Gnuts
And the least little bite turns a gD7irl to a Gslut
Oh D7can you Gimagine a sorrier Gmess
Than a girl eating chocolate and D7trying to Gundress?
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 5]
We Gnever eat peaches because D7they ferGment
And a peach will ferment with the D7least little Gdent
Oh D7can you imaGgine a sorrier Gsight
Than a man eating peaches D7until he gets Gtight?
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 6]
Oh Gwe-ee have Viceroy for the D7ma-an who Gthinks
And we-ee have Ban for the D7man who stGinks
But tD7hinking and Gstinking they don't bother Gme
I take care of both with D7Te-e-ton GTea!
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 7]
We Gdon't drink Coke or Pepsi, they're D7made from cocGaine,
And you might as well shoot it right D7into your Gvein.
Oh, D7can you imGagine a sorrier Gbind
Than rotting your teeth while D7blowing your Gmind.
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 8]
We Gnever drop tea, cause it D7comes from a Gpot,
And that could be evil as D7likely as Gnot,
We D7don't mind the Gtaste, but it's really bad Gnews,
To get busted for holding what D7Tom Lipton Gbrews.
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 9]
We Gdon't step on grapes because D7that's making Gwine,
And one single stomp turns a D7man to a Gswine.
Can D7you imagine a Gfouler deGfeat,
Than a man getting stonkered by D7licking his Gfeet?
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 10]
Shun Ggirls who are witty and D7pretty and Gkind
There's nothing like love for corD7rupting your Gmind.
At D7least in -our- Gcircle it just isn't Gdone
Our kids are adopted; we -D7never- have Gfun.
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 11]
We Gdon't buy any cereal beD7cause its called Gmush
And one little bite turns a D7kid to a Glush
Oh, D7can you imGagine the pain of a GMa
To watch little Junior act D7just like his GPa!
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 12]
We Gdon't take any rub-downs, D7stiff muscles to Gcure
Because alcohol turns a D7man to a Gboor
O, D7can you imaGgine a sorrier Gfate:
Than a man getting mass-aged 'till he D7can't stand up Gstraight?
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 13]
We Gdon't allow backrubs, we D7think they're a Gcrime
We will always condemn them in D7song or in Grhyme
An D7alcohol backrub is Gworse than straight Ggin:
When you think of the liquor D7absorbed thru your Gskin!
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 14]
We Gdon't watch television D7because its a Gsin
To exhibit the body of a D7nude Rin-Tin-GTin
And D7all those bad Gcowboys a-shooting their Gguns!
And a-shooting again when they D7show the re-Gruns!
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 15]
When you Ggo out dining, you're D7tempted to Geat
All the delicacies on a D7menu eGlite
ReD7member this Gwarning, on wine we've a Gban;
Try spaghetti and meatballs and -D7not- coq au Gvin!
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 16]
We Gnever drink milk, that's where D7kumiss comes Gfrom
And one tiny sip makes a D7Mongoloid Gbum!
Oh, D7can you imagine a Gsadder disGgrace
Than a stone blind drunk Mongol with D7milk on his Gface?
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 17]
We Gnever touch coffee, it D7makes our eyes Ggleam
At least, when they add irish D7whiskey and Gcream
Oh, D7can you imagine a Gfate so unkGind
Than slugging down coffee, and D7getting stGone-blind?
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 18]
Since Geggnog is evil, we D7never eat Geggs
Give way to one sin and who D7knows what comes Gneggst?
There D7might be excuses for Gbrandy or Ggin
But who wants DTs on D7account of some Ghen?
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 19]
We Gwish you'd avoid putting D7ice in your Gdrink
It harms your intestines and D7palate, we Gthink
And if D7you escape that, it Gstill isn't Gnice
To wake up hung over beD7cause of bad Gice!
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 20]
We Gnever drink water, they D7mix it with Ggin
Just one little sip and a D7man starts to Ggrin
Oh, D7can you imaGgine a sillier Gclunk
Than a man swigging water unD7til he's geshGtunk?
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 21]
Now Gif you ride railroads with D7bar-cars on Gtrains
You're giving the Devil the D7key to your Gbrains
ThD7ink of a story that's Gsadder to Gtell
Than to start from Grand Central and D7wind up in GHell!
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 22]
We Gnever eat jelly, they D7make it with Gwine
And one little bite turns a D7man to a Gswine
Can't D7you envision, in GHell he will Groast,
That teen-ager drunk on his D7jelly and Gtoast!
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 23]
We Gnever use mouthwash, we D7know very Gwell
That those who taste alcohol go D7straight to GHell
Oh, D7can you imagine a Gsorrier Gscene
Than a man down in Hell 'cause he D7used ListerGine?
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 24]
We Gnever eat choc'late, 'cause D7its just like Gsex
The endorphins will make you a D7moral wreGck
You'll D7finish the Gbag-full, all Gcovered with sweat....
And then you just -gotta- D7have a cigarGette!
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 25]
We Gdon't read Science-Fiction, 'cause D7its too comGplex
And Heinlein and Farmer just D7talk about Gsex!
That D7Lazarus Long is a GDirty Old GMan
He's a Bad Example to D7set for a GFan!
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 26]
We Gnever drink tea, for they D7mix it with Gwine
And one little drink turns a D7man to a Gswine
Oh D7can you imaGgine a sorrier Gsight
Than a man drinking tea, and D7singing all Gnight?
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 27]
We Gnever use money, 'cause D7that's gam-bol-Gin'
And that, my good friends, is D7surely a GSIN
Our D7life may be Gsimple, it's surely a Gbore
But what else can you do when you D7tend to be Gpoor?
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 28]
We Gnever sing folk songs, they're D7evil and Gcrude
They celebrate Sin, and their D7language is Glewd
The D7language is Gshocking, the politics Gvile
And their grammar and rhetoric D7ain't got no Gstyle!
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 29]
When you Gmeet a folk singer, you D7haven't much Gchoice
But to sit there and listen while they D7prove they have no Gvoice
And the D7shockingest Gthing to imagine by Gfar
Is a girl with a G-string....uD7pon her guiGtar!
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 30]
We Gdon't listen to folk songs, it D7isn't our Gdish
We don't like Bob Kanefski, and -D7hate- Leslie GFish!
We D7know all the Gfolkers will wind up in GHell
And besides, all them folksongs have a D7real Fish-y Gsmell!
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 31]
We don't Glisten to Rock, 'cause it's D7Satan's own Gvice
And the people who sing it are D7not very nGice
Oh cD7an you imagine, it Gfills us with dGread
Me and the Bangles all D7sharing a Gbed!
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 32]
We Gdon't mess with computers, they're the D7Devil's own Gthing
And one little byte puts your D7mind in a Gsling!
Oh D7can you imaGgine a sorrier Gsight
Than a computer-nerd taking D7byte after Gbyte!
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 33]
We Gdon't play medieval, we D7think it's a Gcult
They wear funny clothing; they're D7quite diffiGcult.
Oh D7can you imaGgine a worse thing to Gsay
Than to say you're a D7member of the GSCA?
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 34]
So Gdrinking and eating and D7loving you Gsee,
Are bound to destroy D7Spi-ri-tu-al-i-Gty.
Our D7tastes are Gaustere and our virtue is Gsure.
We don't have much fun, but our D7honor is Gpure.
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.
[Verse 35]
We're cGoming, we're coming, our bD7rave little Gband
On the right side of Temperance we D7do take our Gstand
We D7tug it out Gdaily because we do Gthink
That once you start screwing, you're D7likely to Gdrink!
AGway, away with rum, by gum,
With D7rum by gum with Grum, by gum.
The D7song of the TemperenceG Union.