Misc Television - The munsters theme
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Verse I:
DmWhen you are walking the Ebstreet at night, and beDmhind you there's Cno one in Dmview,
but you hear mysterious Ebfeet at night, then the AMunsters are following Dmyou.
If you should meet this strange Ebfamily, just forDmget what some Cpeople have Dmsaid.
The Munsters may shake your hand Ebclammily, but they're Anot necessarily Dmdead.
BehCind their house you Fmustn't be afraid to Gsee a figure Cdigging Bbwith a spAade.
PerDmhaps someone didn't quite Ebmake the grade with the DmMunsters, with the Munsters.
Verse II:
Dm If when you're sleeping you Ebdream a lot, ghoulish Dmnightmares paCrade thru your Dmhead.
And then you wake up and scEbream a lot, oh the AMunsters are under your Dmbed.
At midnight if creatures should pEbrowl about and if Dmvampires and Cvultures swoop dDmown
and werewolves and friends shriek and Ebhowl about, well the AMunsters are out on the Dmtown.
One Cnight I dared peek Fthru their window screen. My Ghair turned white at Csuch a Bbcrazy scAene,
beDmcause every evening it's EbHalloween, at the DmMunsters, at the Munsters.