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CLook for the C7bare necessities The siFmple bare necessF7ities FoCrget about your worA7ries and your stD7rife G7
I mean the bCare necesC7sities Old MoFther Nature's reF7cipes That brCings the A7bare necD7essitG7ies of liCfe F C
Wherever I wG7ander, wherever I rCoam I couldn't be foG7nder of my big hComC7e The bees are buFzzin' in the tFmree To make some hoCney just for D7me When Amyou look under the rAmocks and plants And Dmtake a glance at the fG7ancy ants Then mCaybe try a fA7ew The bare neceDmssities of lG7ife will come to yCou Am Dm They'll G7come to yCou! F C