Misc Soundtrack - Moulin rouge - come what may
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F Never knew IG could feel like this,
F Like i've ne-ver sFeen the sky be-fore,
Am Want to van-ish iGn---side your kiss,
F EverFy-day I love you more and more,
AmLis-ten to my heGart can you hear--- it sing,
FTel-ling mGe to give you eFvery---Gthing,
AmSea-sons may cFhange. G Win-ter to spring,
But IF love you un-til the enGd- of-F time.
GCome Amwhat may,
AmCome whaGt may.
IG will lFove you
UFn-til my dy----iGng- daFy.
F Suddenly the world seems sucGh a per-fect place,
F Suddenly it movesF with suGch a per-fect grace,
Am Suddenly my life dGoes-nt seem---- such a waste,
F It all Fre-volves around you,
And Gtheres no mounAm-tain too high, nGo ri---ver too--- wide,
F Sing out this sGong and ill be Fthere by youGr side,
AmStorm clouds may ga-ther and Fstars may col-lide,
But I lFove you un-til the end- oFf- tFime.
GCome Amwhat may,
AmCome whaGt may.
IG will lFove you
UFn-til my dy----iGng- daFy.
GCome Amwhat may,
AmCome whaGt may.
*No chord
I will love you
GOh, CAmome what may,
AmCome whaGt may.
IG will lFove you
UFn-til my dy----iGng- daFy.