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Tuning: A D G C E A
[Intro] Amadd9 Amadd9/E Amadd9 Amadd9/E Amadd9 Amadd9/E Amadd9 Amadd9/E [Verse 1] (Thenardier)
Amadd9Welcome, m'Amadd9/Esieur, Amadd9 sit yourself Amadd9/Edown, Amadd9and meet the Amadd9/Ebest inn-Bm6 keeper in Bm6/Etown. Bm6 Bm6/E Bm6As for the Bm6/Erest, Bm6all of ‘em Bm6/Ecrooks, Bm6rooking their Bm6/Eguests and Amadd9cooking the Amadd9/Ebooks. Amadd9/E
[Bridge 1]
DmSeldom Dm/Ado you Dmsee, Dm/A Amadd9 honest Amadd9/Emen like Amadd9me. Amadd9/E A B7gent of B7/F#good inB7tent, B7/F#who’s conEtent F#to G#dimbe:
[Chorus 1]
AMaster of the A/Ehouse, Adoling out the A/Echarm, Aready with a A/Ehandshake and an Ao- Apen Apalm.


ATells a saucy A/Etale, Amakes a little A/Estir, Acustomers apA/Epreciate a B9bon-F#m6vi- B7veur. EGlad to do a E/Bfriend a favEor, E/B Edoesn’t cost me E/Bto be nice. E E/B But Enothing gets you E/Bnothing, ev'Erything has E/F#got a E/G#little Aprice! A/E A


[Chorus 2]
AMaster of the A/Ehouse, Akeeper of the A/Ezoo, Aready to reA/Elieve ‘em of a Asou Aor Atwo.


AWatering the A/Ewine, Amaking up the A/Eweight, Apickin’ up their A/Eknick-knacks when they B9can’t F#m6see B7straight. EEverybody E/Bloves a landElord,E/B C#everybody’s C#/G#bosom F#mfriend. F#m/E I Ddo whatever pleases. E7Jesus! won’t I E7/F#bleed ‘em E7/G#in the Aend! A/E A/F# A/G#
[Chorus 3] (Drinkers)
AMaster of the A/Ehouse, Aquick to catch your A/Eeye, Anever wants a A/Epasserby to Apass Ahim Aby.


AServant to the A/Epoor, Abutler to the A/Egreat, Acomforter, phiA/Elosopher, and B9lifeF#m6long B7mate! EEverybody's E/Bboon companEion, E/B C#ev'rybody's C#/G#chaperone. F#m F#m/E
But Dlock up your valises. E7Jesus! won’t I E7/F#skin you E7/G#to the Abone! A/E A/F# A/G# [Verse 2] Amadd9Enter Amadd9/Em'sieur, Amadd9lay down your Amadd9/Eload, Amadd9unlace your Amadd9/Eboots, Bm6rest from the Bm6/Eroad. Bm6 Bm6/E Bm6This weighs a Bm6/Eton, Bm6travel’s a Bm6/Ecurse, Bm6but here we Bm6/Estrive to Amadd9lighten your Amadd9/Epurse. Amadd9/E
[Bridge 2]
Dm Here the Dm/Agoose is Dmcooked,Dm/A Amadd9here the Amadd9/Efat is Amadd9fried. Amadd9/E And B7nothing’s B7/F#over- B7looked, B7/F#till I’m Esat- F#is- G#dimfied.
[Chorus 4]
AFood beyond comA/Epare, Afood beyond beA/Elief, Amix it in a A/Emincer and preAtend Ait’s Abeef.


AKidney of a A/Ehorse, Aliver of a A/Ecat, Afilling up the A/Esausages with B9this F#m6and B7that. EResidents are E/Bmore than welEcome, E/B Ebridal suite is E/Boccupied. E E/B EReasonable E/Bcharges plus Esome little E/F#extras E/G#on the Aside. A A/E A/F# A/G#
[Chorus 5]
ACharge ‘em for the A/Elice, Aextra for the A/Emice, Atwo percent for A/Elooking in the Amir- Aror Atwice.


AHere a little A/Eslice, Athere a little A/Ecut, Athree percent for A/Esleeping with the B9win- F#m6dow B7shut. EWhen it comes to E/Bfixing priEces, E/B C#there are a lot of C#/G#tricks he knows. F#m F#m/E DHow it all increases, D/C#all D them bits and pieces, E7/D#Jesus! it’s amazing E6how Eit Agrows! A/E A/F# A/G#
[Chorus 6] (Drinkers)
AMaster of the A/Ehouse, Aquick to catch your A/Eeye, Anever wants a A/Epasserby to Apass Ahim Aby.


AServant to the A/Epoor, Abutler to the A/Egreat, Acomforter, phiA/Elosopher, and B9lifeF#m6long B7mate. EEverybody's E/Bboon companEion, E/B C#/Fgives 'em everything he's got.F#m F#m/E DDirty bunch of geezers, E7Jesus! what a sorry E6litEtle Alot. C5 D5 D#5
[Interlude] Em Em (Madame Thenardier)
Em I used to dream that I Em would meet a prince. Am But god almighty, have you B+seen what’s happened since? B+ B+ B+/C# B+/D#
[Chorus 7]
EMaster of the E/Bhouse? Eisn’t worth me E/Bspit! E‘Comforter, phiE/Blosopher,’ and Elife E/Blong Eshit.


ECunning little E/Bbrain, Eregular volE/Btaire, Ethinks he’s quite a E/Blover, but there’s F#9not C#m6much F#7there. BWhat a cruel B/F#trick of na- B/F# ture, B/F# Ab7landed me with Cdimsuch a C#mlouse. C#m/B AGod knows how I’ve lasted, liB7ving with this B7/C#bastard B6/D#in B/D#the Ehouse. E/F# E/G#
[Chorus 8] (Drinkers)
AMaster of the A/Ehouse- (Madame Thenardier) A-Master and a A/Ehalf!
AComforter, A/Ephilosopher- (Madame Thenardier) -don’t Amake Ame Alaugh!
AServant to the A/Epoor, Abutler to the A/Egreat- (Madame Thenardier) A-hypocrite and A/Etoady and B9ine- F#m6bri- B7ate!
EEverybody E/Bbless the landElord! E/Eb E/D C#mEverybody C#m/Fbless his spouse! F#m F#m/E
DEverybody raise a E7glass! (Drinkers)


(Madame Thenardier)
DRaise it up the master’s E7arse! (Drinkers)


DEverybody raise a E7glass to the E/F#master E/G#of the Ahouse! [Outro] A A9/E A A9/E D/A A A9/E A A9/E D/A A A9/E A A9/E D/A D/G# D/A D/B A6(add9,add11)/C# E13 A