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Tuning: E A D G B E
'The Wall in my Head' from the Original West End Cast Recording of Everybody's Talking About Jamie [Intro] G Bm Em C G Bm Em C [Verse]
It was sGomething he said, something he saBmid His woEmrds built a wall, a wall inside my hCead Just oGne little thing, didn't mean that much to Bmhim But it keeps Embuilding and building and building This wCall in my hGead This wBmall in my hEmead C
Just oGne tiny thought, it started out so sBmmall The tEmhought made a brick, the bricks made a wCall And the Gwall keeps me down, and the wall trips me Bmup And it keeps bEmuilding and building and building This wCall in my hGead This wBmall in my hEmead
And hDere I, G stand with my fCeet, stuck to the fDloor ADs I, G shout down the strCeet, screaming for moDre
Over the waGll Over the wall BmI see my fEmuture standing tall COver the wGall Over the wall BmI can belEmieve I'd have it all CSo I keep clGimbing and climbing and climbing This wBmall in my hEmead, head, head CI'll keep on cGlimbing and climbing and climbing This wBmall in my hEmead, head, head This wCall in my heGad This wBmall in my heEmad C
GSomething he said, just one little tBmhing The tEmhought left a scar, the words left a stCing Those wGords are the walls, that still hold me iBmn And they keep buEmilding and building and building C
And doDn't fall, G I'm finding me feCet, There's shoes to bDe filled But thDis wall,G is harder to bCeat when it’s one you helDped build
Over the waGll Over the wall BmI see my fEmuture standing tall COver the wGall Over the wall BmI can belEmieve I'd have it all CSo I keep clGimbing and climbing and climbing This wBmall in my hEmead, head, head CI'll keep on cGlimbing and climbing and climbing This wBmall in my hEmead, head, head
OCh I’ll keep cliGmbing and climbing and climbing And cliBmmbing and cEmlimbing and climbing And climbing and clCimbing GHand over hand over hand over BmBrick over hEmand over brick over hand over Cbrick overG Climbing, BmclimbiEmng, climbing, climbing This wCall in my hGead This wBmall in my Emhead C G This Bmwall in my Emhead C G This wBmall in my hEmead C G