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Tuning: E A D G B E
CThe earth is the Lord's and Geverything in it His Fnature is perfect His strength has no limit When Csinging to FGod we Clove every Fminute CThanks be to God His Glove is inCfinite
[Verse 1]
So trustC in Him, He Gwill provide the Fthings we all will Cneed CLet The Lord be Gglorified with FHim we will sucCceed CNo need to run, no Gneed to hide, His Fword is guaranCteed CWhen The Lord is Gby your side, there's Fno better Gplace to Cbe
CThe earth is the Lord's and Geverything in it His Fnature is perfect His strength has no limit When Csinging to FGod we Clove every Fminute CThanks be to God His Glove is inCfinite
So Ctrust in Him, He Gwill provide the Fthings we all will Cneed CSo Let The Lord Gbe glorified wiFth Him Gwe will Csucceed
CThe earth is the Lord's and Geverything in it His Fnature is perfect His strength has no limit When Csinging to FGod we Clove every Fminute CThanks be to God His Glove is inCfinite
[Verse 2]
The Cwill of the Lord will Gnot be denied, FHe controls the land and the Csea CNo heart he canGnot purify, no Fprisoner He Gcannot break Cfree
CThe earth is the Lord's and Geverything in it His Fnature is perfect His strength has no limit When Csinging to FGod we Clove every Fminute CThanks be to God His Glove is inCfinite CThanks be to God His Glove is inCfinite