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Song: Jubilation Album: "The Cotton Patch Gospel" musical soundtrack Composer: Harry Chapin INTRO: | G Bm | Am D | G Bm | Am D |
ThGis is a sBmong that nAmeeds no DexplanGatBmionAm D ThGis is the sBmong I hAmoped that tDime would brAmingD Am D ThGis is a sBmong I cAmall my jDubilGatBmionAm D FGeels so gBmood, Amall I've got to dDo is sGinEmg
CHORUS: CEverybody sDay, whoo-GeeEmeee CEverybody sDay, whoo-GeeEmeee CEverybody sDay, whoo-GeeEmeee C D G Bm | Am D | G Bm | Am D | Everybody say, whoo-eeeee
GEverybody wBmants to tAmouch his drDeam just GonBme tAmimeD GI know I'll nBmever ever gAmet this clDose agAmainD Am D GEverybody wBmants to fAmeel that fDeeling sGomBmetiAmme D ThGat's why I dBmon't want tAmoday to cDome to an GenEmd
LGoveBm the LAmord, your GDod, with Gall your hBmeart, sAmoul and mDind LGoveBm your nAmeighbor Das you lAmove yDoursGelBmf Am D
Repeat verse 2 CHORUS, then end on G