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From: (Michael J. Irvin, WSU, 509/335-0437) Subject: CRD: San Francisco Song: San Francisco intro: Dm Bb F C F
DmIf you're goBbing to SFan FranCcisco DmBe sure to wBbear some flFowers in your hCair
DmIf you're goFing Am7to SBban FranFcisco DmYou're gonna mAmeet some gDm7entle people thCere
For those who come to San Francisco Summertime will be a love-in there In the streets of San Francisco Gentle people with flowers in their hair
EbAll across the naCmtion EbSuch a strange vibCmration
PeoFple in moDmtion ThEbere's a whole geneCmration
WEbith some new explanCmation PFeople in mDmotion, pDm7eople in mCotion
For those who come to San Francisco Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair If you come to San Francisco Summertime will be a love-in there
MmDmm-m-m... BbSan FrancFisco
NOTE: May be transposed into an easier key to sing/play, depending on your vocal range and musical prowess.