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Verse 1:
O wAborship the King, all Ebglorious aEbbove And gAbratefully sing His wEbonderful lAbove Our ShEbield and Defender, the Ancient of Days PavAbilioned in splendor, and gEbirded with pAbraise.
Verse 2:
O tAbell of His might, O sEbing of His gEbrace Whose Abrobe is the light and cEbanopy sAbpace His cEbhariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form And Abdark is His path on the wEbings of the sAbtorm.
Verse 3:
ThyAb bountiful care what Ebtongue canEb recite? It bAbreathes in the air, it sEbhines in the Ablight, It sEbtreams from the hills, it descends to the plain, And sAbweetly distills in the Ebdew and the rAbain.
Verse 4:
Frail cAbhildren of dust, and Ebfeeble as Ebfrail, In TAbhee do we trust, nor Ebfind Thee to Abfail: Thy mEbercies how tender, how firm to the end, Out AbMaker, Defender, ReEbdeemer, and FrAbiend.